r2symbols: v1.1 r2symbols

r2symbols is an R package that allows easy insertion of symbols in an Rmarkdown, Quarto document or Shiny app. It is true that many people use LaTeX to insert symbols within their documents. In many cases, this is only handy for mathematical symbols. Upon rendering the package, the mathjax script is included, which sometimes can slow the page loading time down by a few (milli) seconds. This R package comprises of more than 300 symbols frequently used in writing and design of Apps. Its inclusion is simply with html hex codes that do not require loading of additional scripts to your page. So how did I come up with the idea to create this package? I didn't want to learn LaTeX if I was only going to be using it for math symbols and equations. Since html codes exist for symbols, I figured that there was no need to have to call in LaTeX every time I need to use simple symbols in my writing.
CRAN Metrics
Here is the link for the cheatcodes - R2symbols codes

First Published

September 2020

Github Page


R Requirements

stringr, stats, utils

Latest Update

July 2022